March 23, 2011

Get drowned in pink?

I don't know when or how it happened, but sure enough, it did.
As I had both kids in my lap nursing before nap over the weekend, I counted no less than 13 distinct shades of pink in my line of sight. How in the heck???

I'm not a fan of pink and pretty much only tolerate it in my life because it was Sparky's favorite color for a long time and is a reasonably flattering color on me. It might still be Sparky's favorite color but it's hard to tell this week.

We also busted out some of the Christmas gifts that we had put away this weekend. Wouldn't you know, more pink. Big pink piles of pink. And tulle. Piles of pink tulle. How did I get drowned in pink?


  1. A has just taken a big interest in everything pink. Pink, sparkly, glittery everything is best.

  2. Moira has not taken an interest in pink much. Although she occasionally tells me it's her favorite color if she actually has a choice, she usually picks a different color. I have noticed a dramatic uptick in the amount of pink other people give her though.
    It happens to all of us mothers of girls I think. Pink comes for you, even if you don't go look for it.

  3. ha! we don't have any tulle yet, but what's great about pink is that it matches with... pink!


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